We found her world of meaning for Aneta, and its first embodiment is a new website primerie.sk
Aneta came to us with a very important assignment. Not only did she want to change her job, but also the city where she would do it, the place where she would live. A new beginning.
She decided to create a therapeutic space in Bratislava. Her experiences have taken her through the world of autism, but she is not limited to it. Her first words to the assignment were: “Fine. I want to help people experience that feeling, the feeling of being at ease. No matter what's going on, feel inner peace on your way."
Finally, out of several name options for her new service, we chose the name "truce" - a state that does not deny that difficulties exist, but gives a breather from the struggles, clears the mind and offers insight. And this feeling was best associated with water, with the water surface that moves, waves and flows endlessly. We even managed to misspell "coastline" (prímorie) while writing texts for the website, and the grounding "ground floor" (prízemie) was also heard.
Aneta experienced firsthand that the biggest enemy is often the person himself. That's why the Prímerie (Truce) offers a safe space to lay down the weapons we aim at ourselves. All our inner voices that punish us, control us, hold us back, and don't let us breathe.
A truce with yourself, people and the world is the most important thing that Aneta gives to the world. And today it is really needed. But not in its superficial or naive form. For Aneta, this is not about a nice-looking, but inside fake reconciliation with what we don't want to reconcile with or can't reconcile with. Nor is it about denying the differences and conflicts in which we as humans naturally live. A true truce is aware of the world in all its forms, but it gives us a breather, allows us to lay down our arms, at least for a moment to think and walk consciously onward, to battle or to our more peaceful days.
She is still working on the physical space, but you can contact her. At primerie.sk you will find clearly written services it offers. Feel free to contact her or read her personal blogs.